Downtown Roseville Information, Businesses, & Events 

New Year’s Resolutions? Start with a Hobby! It’s that time of year when many of us are working on our New Year’s resolutions. Some of us have fitness goals, others have work goals....
What’s Happening in Downtown Roseville in 2023 You may have noticed quite a bit of construction and movement going on in Downtown Roseville. That’s right, our Downtown is growing! And...
Support Downtown Roseville Businesses this Holiday Season Gift-shopping season seems to begin earlier and earlier each year. We don’t know about you, but we’ve already seen our fair share of Bla...
Even More Downtown Roseville History We previously introduced you to the history of Downtown Roseville. But there’s much more to it. There are many buildings that were built...
A Walk Through Downtown Roseville’s Side Streets You’ve heard us talk a lot about Downtown Roseville’s main thoroughfare, Vernon Street. It’s hard to miss the large “Vernon Street” sign...
Celebrate Your Pup Pals this Summer in Downtown Roseville Dogs are known as man’s best friend because they just seem to understand us and are willing to just be there to listen even when our hum...
Here are Some of Downtown Roseville’s Summertime Favorites! Warm, sunny days are upon us, motivating us to head out, enjoy life, and have fun. So put on your sunscreen, throw on some shades, and g...
Summer Activities for Kids in Downtown Roseville School’s out, but the fun is in! Make the most of summer break by engaging in some of the exciting to-dos below. It’s all happening righ...
Last-Minute Ideas to Celebrate Mother's Day in Downtown ... If you're still in need of ideas for Mother’s Day this weekend, then look no further! There are plenty of ways you can make Mom’s day in...
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