Downtown Roseville Information, Businesses, & Events 

Ways to Spend Your Summer Staycation You’re not alone when it comes to staying in town this summer. And it certainly does not mean that you won’t enjoy it! In fact, July is ...
All You Need for Father’s Day is in Downtown Roseville Father's Day became a national holiday in 1972. Ever since, people have used this special day to honor their fathers or the father figur...
How to Travel Smart and Enjoy Your Vacation It’s travel season! Are you excited about your upcoming trip? Thinking about the clear blue waters and warm sandy beaches of Hawaii? The...
Ways to Love the Planet on Earth Day Earth Day takes place on April 22nd. This national holiday dates back to 1970 and is dedicated to promoting eco-friendly living and spre...
Feeling Lucky? Things to do in Downtown Roseville for St... St. Patrick’s Day , originally a religious Irish holiday, is now celebrated annually by Americans of all ethnicities. It’s without a dou...
The Highlights of February (Other than Valentine’s Day!) Because February 14th is Valentine's Day , we all know this is the month of love. However, there are other national days, weeks, and mon...
New Year’s Resolutions? Start with a Hobby! It’s that time of year when many of us are working on our New Year’s resolutions. Some of us have fitness goals, others have work goals....
What’s Happening in Downtown Roseville in 2023 You may have noticed quite a bit of construction and movement going on in Downtown Roseville. That’s right, our Downtown is growing! And...
Support Downtown Roseville Businesses this Holiday Season Gift-shopping season seems to begin earlier and earlier each year. We don’t know about you, but we’ve already seen our fair share of Bla...
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